Resources for Constitution Day Sept. 17

September 17th is Constitution Day. Did you know all U.S. public schools – kindergarten through university level – are required to teach about the Constitution on Constitution Day on Sept. 17?

According to, the government mandate says “Educational institutions receiving federal funding are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year.”

Here are some teaching materials available to assist you.

1.  This site provides a series of free educational resources and Internet links to help educators comply with the new federal regulation requiring the development of student programming to celebrate Constitution Day on September 17th of each year. You can also read the Federal Register announcement of the Constitution Day Mandate.

2.  Celebrate Constitution Day NIE Tab

The Newspaper Association of America Foundation and the Bill of Rights Institute have produced this educational tab designed to help teachers and students celebrate this important milestone in the nation’s history.

The tab is available for download by clicking here

Note: if you are going to print this pdf, make sure to adjust your print setting to fit on page. The pdf is bigger than 8.5 x 11 (normal print size.)

3.  Constitution Day Newspaper Scavenger Hunt

Download the Constitution Day Scavenger Hunt by clicking here  

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