FREE Resource Our Veterans Sharing Their Stories

Who are Veterans?

They are men and women who, for many reasons, donned the uniform of our country to stand between freedom and tyranny; to take up the sword of justice in defense of the liberties we hold dear; to preserve peace and to calm the winds of war.

Your mothers and fathers, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles, your neighbors, the shop owners in your community, your teachers, your favorite athlete, a Hollywood star, and your political leaders… each one could be a veteran.

But as much as they may differ by gender, race, age, national origin, or profession, they share a common love for our great nation; a love great enough to put their very lives on the line, if need be, to guarantee the way of life we enjoy today, and to secure that way of life for tomorrow’s generations.

The title of veteran must be earned. It is a title endowed by a grateful nation on citizens whose shoulders were broad enough to carry the weight of our common defense.

It is a title that speaks of courage and sacrifice in the face of mortal danger. It is a title that speaks of compassion and heartbreak in the wake of the terrible cost of war. And it is a title that speaks of love of country, and of a belief in America’s goodness, and our strength.

This supplement, distributed by the NIE Institute, focuses on veterans from all walks of life including bios on African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Women, and Japanese Nesei (2nd generation). It will also help schools, teachers and students conducting Take a Veteran to School Day and Thank a Veteran at Work Projects.

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